IMATS was awesome this year! With tons of venders to visit and lots of makeup to see, touch and buy I was in makeup heaven. I went in this year with a strict list of supplies I needed to stock up on. It's too easy to spend way to much money there and leave with a bunch of cool items but not really what's useful on your everyday job. For me lashes, Skin Care, Brushes, Concealers and disposable applicators are most important because I go through so many every month. This year I bought some Yabby concealers and blushes, Embryolisse creams, Bdellium brushes, Nigel's Lashes, Beauty Blenders, more Banana powder and translucent powder. I re-stocked my Face Atilier foundations in +1 ,#2 and #5, and a new makeup case by Stilazzi. I'm very excited about that purchase because my Zuca bag was not cutting it anymore.